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The Saudi ADHD Society is happy to provide you with these resources to aid your research into ADHD in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab world.

Research Library

A collection of open-access research papers about ADHD in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Study regarding the level of awareness and understanding about ADHD among teachers when dealing with ADHD students

Oraif, S uhair


Towards an Ontology to Represent Domain Knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Conceptual Model

Alsaedi, S hahad


Exposure to Smoking as a Predictor of ADHD Subtypes Among Children Within Saudi Arabia: An Observational Study

Zakariyah, A beer


Standardization of the Arabic Version of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Screening Scale for DSM-5 (ASRS-5) Among Adults in Saudi Arabia: Variability of ADHD Screening According to Sociodemographic Variables

Alqahtani, M ohammed M.
