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Effectiveness of an Instructional Program for Teachers in alleviating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for kindergarten and the attitude towards them [Arabic]


This study is aimed to prepare a Proposed instructional program for the kindergarten teachers; in order to develop their skills of teaching for attention deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) children. Also, to verify its effectiveness in the development of their skills to reduce the disorder severity of kindergarten children; in addition to modify the attitude of the teachers towards them. The sample consisted of 30 kindergarten female teachers, they have divided into two groups: the first: experimental group (15 teachers) who have studied the program. The second: control group (15 teachers) who have not studied the program. The program was prepared by using self-learning style modules, disorder knowledge test (multiple choice), note card, and teacher attitude questionnaire towards AD/HA kindergarten children. After testing the psychometric techniques for the tools, data has collected and analyzed using SPSS Statistics and choose “T-test”, Man-Whitney. The results showed that there are significant statistical differences between the average marks of the experimental group and the average marks of the second group regarding to the multiple choice test and the note card for the experimental group. This result is referred to the effectiveness of the Proposed Instructional program to develop the skills of the kindergarten teachers for teaching AD/HA children. In addition; there are significant statistical differences between the average marks of the experimental group and control group regarding to questionnaire test for the experimental group that is referred to the effectiveness of this program to modify the teachers’ attitude towards this kind of kindergarten.

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ADHD, Female KG teachers, KG pupils, instructional program, attitudes, awareness, KG, kindergarten, study, teachers, training


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” volume=”50″ issue=”1″ journal=”The Journal of Education and Psychology (Resalah)” shortjournal=”The Journal of Education and Psychology (Resalah)” startpage=”11″ endpage=”33″ articlenum=”” doi=””]

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