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Attention Deficit Disorders Among Adult Learners Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Attention Deficit Disorders Among Adult Learners Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


In the present scenario of curriculum change, modification and possible reform, the traditional approach of teaching has been cynically criticized. Due to different reasons, many institutions have started reducing teaching time from 40-50 minutes to 15-20 min in length. Lack of attention among learners may be one of the most significant factors. A review of the literature on this topic reveals many facts drawn from previous studies. The most alarming findings could be related to significant decrease in students" attention during a lecture/class. Such behavioural patterns are very dangerous for learners, and wastage for parents as they may lose a human resource. Therefore, the present theoretical approach towards Attention Deficit Disorders (ADHD) among Saudi learners in general and adult learners in particular will explore something useful which can be treated as a base for further researches especially empirical studies.


adult adhd, education, learning


(). Attention Deficit Disorders Among Adult Learners Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. JETIR, 5(11), 515-522.

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