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Interactive Serious Gaming for Children with Auditory Processing Difficulties in the Arabic Language

Interactive Serious Gaming for Children with Auditory Processing Difficulties in the Arabic Language


Sada is an interactive multimedia program for auditory discrimination therapy in the Arabic Language. Sada was designed to extend speech therapy beyond clinical settings and provide patients with a computer- based therapy system which can be used between sessions with speech therapists; at school or at home on an ’on-demand’ basis. The program provides local Arabic dialects and a configurable knowledge-base which allows for extending the therapy and customizing the pronunciation of words for different Arabic-speaking populations. The Sada architecture and its interaction design are described and the advantages of computer-based therapy for auditory perceptual problems are discussed.


Games, IT, arabic, learning disorder, study


, , , , , & (). Interactive Serious Gaming for Children with Auditory Processing Difficulties in the Arabic Language. In: Stephanidis, C. (ed.) HCII 2013, Part I. CCIS, 373(1), 188-191.

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